Change of Ownership

The following guide will help you with actions relating to change of ownership and RxOne


Scripts in pipeline

Make up a normal last claim batch specifying the finish date as the date of hand over. This can be done at the time or later as convenient. The new owner can make up a normal claim at the normal end of period. RxOne will split the scripts from one batch period between two owners and ensure scripts are not double claimed.

Customer Clubs

If 'clubs' are used there will be a liability for gifts. Get the report showing the 'current total' as that gives the liability for gifts. The lifetime total doesn't matter. Total up all the 'current totals' and calculate considering the 'gift point' and typical gift value.

Eg, if the 'gift point' is $100, and the gift is worth $5, and there is a total of $2000 of current totals, then the liability accumulated is 2000 x 5 /100 = $100. Around 50% of club members in a typical club will never collect, and the amount to discount for this will need to be negotiated between the old and new owners.

Monthly maintenance

This is charged at the end of the month concerned.


Do the last claim under your own name, up to the time you hand over.

Check with the new owner to see if they have any other reporting requirements before takeover date.



To the new owner; Congratulations on your purchase of a pharmacy, which we hope will be both enjoyable and profitable for you. The software you have inherited can be a great help to you, especially in the early stages, since it already knows your new business in great detail and will have long ago modified its suggested orders and stock handling to exactly suit this business. It has intelligently self-modifying functions that normally need 15% less stock than other systems to meet the needs of the business. This results in considerably more profit, a halving of out-of-stocks and a halving of dead stock. Please don't make the assumption that this program will only provide the same benefits as other packages you have used... that is usually not the case as it is able to provide significant competitive advantage for its users.

Things to do

Ask the pricing office to issue a number to claim under.

You can dispense for 'Claims' without this, but will need it before you make your first script claim. This number is entered in the 'Registration' section -  from the RxOne Start menu, Tools, Options, User Details.

New NHI credentials are required from MoH Contact Centre.

Advise us of your details

Phone or email the help-desk with;

  • New pharmacy name.

  • New owner's name.

  • Postal address

  • GST number (wait until this is available, if necessary)

  • Email addresses for communication and statements

  • Wholesaler

  • Last day of the old business

HealthSoft will re-register the licence to use the software in your name, no charge. By using RxOne you agree to Licensing conditions so please read the Licensing Agreement on the RxOne Start menu.

Order your labels

If you order from the same printer and advise you have taken over an existing pharmacy, the printer can check the format to make that at least one less hassle.


Make up the first claim at the usual time (a section of this help explains how). The computer will avoid claiming again for scripts which were in the previous owner's claim, even if they put in a claim for part of the same batch period.


If you are not familiar with RxOne, a training session can often be arranged at our office, or online.

Development policy

Look under 'Development policy' for more details on who we are, where we are going, and how we are able to serve your needs.

Monthly maintenance

This is charged at the end of the month concerned.

Help desk

Please don't hesitate to call our help-desk if anything is not clear. We know that you will be very busy during the initial period, getting used to a new pharmacy and possibly a different computer system at the same time, and we are here to help.

LTC in RxOne, Change of Ownership

 User changes the claimant number and enters in a change of ownership date into Options

Options calls the LTC program

All patients with a LTC Start date from before the change of ownership date and no end date or a LTC Start date from before the change of ownership date and an end date after the change of ownership date

We send two messages

  • For the old owner with a start date as normal and an end date based on the change of ownership date

  • For the new owner with a start date as change ownership date and previous end date or no end date