Washup Claim

Washup Claim

If the new owner is continuing to use RxOne (and make up claims in RxOne), then after the last claim under the old ownership has been done, set the Cut Off date (change in ownership date) and originating Contract Number to prevent any new scripts done under the new owner going into the old owner’s claim. See below.  

 Once this is done, you can only submit scripts done under the old owner in ‘wash-up’ claims.

 Wash up claims are used only to resubmit any scripts done under the old owner if there have been any claim errors.

Washup claims can be done as soon as the errors for the last claim (old owner) have been fixed and Step 1 below has been completed. It’s best to sort out the claim errors from the old owner’s last claim as soon as possible so that the ‘errors’ don’t flow onto future repeat dispensings for these scripts.   


After the last claim under the old ownership has been made up and before the first claim under the new ownership:

  1. Go into RxOne Start Menu, Options, User Details, enter in the new owner's Claimant number (if available, leave this field blank if not available)  in the 'Claimant Number' field and then enter the old owner's Claimant number in the 'Originating Contract number' field. In the 'Cut Off Date' field, enter the date of the first day of the new ownership.
    Note: if the new owner’s claimant number is not available at this time, you can still carry on with the washup claim as long as the old owner’s claimant number is in the ‘Originating Contract number’ field . The new owner’s claimant number can be entered in later.   

  2. Fix any script errors for the last claim under the old ownership.

  3. In SmartClaim select File, ’Create washup claim for old owner’. You will need a password to do this. Please contact HealthSoft.

  4. For the claim date enter the date of the next claim period,  e.g. if the final claim under the old owner is with the claim period end date of 7the Dec and they normally do weekly claims, then the date of next claim period will be 15th Dec.   

  5. Say yes to ‘Send’ washup claim to MOH. This washup claim will have the old owners claimant number attached. The washup claim will not allow any scripts done after the ‘Cut Off Date’ to be submitted.

  6. Check the Claim Response.

  7. If there are errors from the washup claim, correct them and then create another washup claim (e.g.  23rd  Dec) to resubmit the errored scripts.

    You can make washup claims up to about 2 weeks ahead of the ‘claim period end date’. Check with MOH to see if they can accept another wash up claim for the claim period you are doing.

  • Once the new owner’s claimant number has been added into the options, the new owner’s claim can be done using the usual method. But note that if possible  it’s best the errors from the old owner are resubmitted in the washup claims before proceeding with this

  • Note: make sure you check the claim period date and change if necessary.

  • RxOne allows you to do the same claim period for the new owner. E.g. if a 23rd Dec claim has been done for the old owner under washup claim, you can still do a 23rd Dec claim for the new owner.

  • Under ‘View claim files’, ‘Select Previous claims’, the claimant numbers will display next to the claim reference number.

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