Redo Claim

Redo Claim

Redo on the SmartClaim screen will recreate a previous claim from scratch, including scripts already in the previous claim and adding anything extra which has been dispensed within the period or edited to make it claimable.

Use it if you have already made up the claim and later realise there is a fault that you wish to fix or more scripts you wish to add.

The claim date you select must be the same as the date of the original claim, selected off the list you will be offered.

To Re-do a claim

The Redo Claim Button has been removed.  If you need to redo the claim, (only do this following advice from MOH and HS) you will first need to undo the claim for that period and then do a new claim.

 Note that re-doing a claim will include any Phoned Scripts done during the period selected but 'Unphoned' during a later period.


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