Resubmitting an Item

Resubmitting an Item

Items may be resubmitted after being returned and the problem fixed. Resubmitting an item automatically causes the previous claim for the item to be withdrawn (reversed) to avoid double claiming.

For example: An item worth $17 was claimed, and later wastage is claimed on it so the pharmacy will be paid $18, two entries will appear on the next payment sheet, one at -$17 and one at (+)$18.

To resubmit

Edit the returned item, selecting the 'claim' panel at the RHS ,alt> + <5>, and click on 'resubmit'.

The 'Resubmit' box will only be present if the item has already been claimed AND if it the item is over the s'net cutoff.

Claim Values Report

'Credit and resubmit' scripts will show as zero $ value, in line with the variance report. Therefore when looking at the estimated value on claim file, remember it will not take into account your 'Credit and Resubmits'.

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