RxOne Text Message Replies

RxOne Text Message Replies

RxOne – Text Message Replies

RxOne has additional features to display text message replies in addition to the displaying them in RxOne Messages

There are two additional features when sending a text message screen text messaging screen:

Please note these options only show when sending a text message from the newer Text Message screen

a) Create Basket on ‘Y’

If a text message reply starts with ‘Y’ (e.g. “Yes”, “Yea”, “Yes please”); then a basket entry will be created in the RxOne Script Queue

Highlight the basket, and press “Dispense Selected eScript Basket” on the right-hand side; or you may double click the basket. This will take you into the patient’s profile.

Press “Dispense Basket” to begin dispensing the repeat (there’s no need to navigate to the repeats tab and highlight and double-click the required repeat)

Scripts that have had their subsequent repeats added to a basket through this method will have an “O” next to their script number.


If a script doesn’t have repeats and the person replies with “Y”, no basket will be created as there are no repeats to be dispensed.

If a patient replies with anything else (e.g. “No”), or if the number is invalid; this will appear in the Tasks >Script Tasks in RxOne Dispensary

This is a useful way to follow up any unwanted repeats e.g. Invalid numbers, patient no longer wants the medicine.

b) Send only one message per person – If you have highlighted multiple repeats for the same patient, this will only send one text to the patient, rather than sending one text for each repeat.

Afterwards, type in your designated message or choose a text message template. You can also use the Field Tags on the right to pull the corresponding data from the patient’s profile.


When finished press on one of the send options in the top right corner

Choosing to send a message with a preview will give you an additional screen (see below) to preview your message before you send it.

Please Note: You may continue to get text message replies in your main inbox email. While this can’t be disabled, you can create a separate folder in your email and automatically forward any text message replies to this folder. This will help separate out your text message replies from other inbox emails.

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