Shrinkage Report
Main Menu > Reports > Stock Reports > Shrinkage Report
Regular stocktaking will help minimise stock loss, and help to uncover any problems that may exist. Running a regular shrinkage report in combination with daily rolling stocktakes will assist with investigating
There are a number of ways that stock levels can be changed for a stock card:
Sale or Dispensing - RxOne will reduce stock on hand when an item is dispensed or sold. This will not show up in a shrinkage report
Orders - when an order is received in, stock on hand will be adjusted and it will not show on the shrinkage report
Credit Orders - when sending stock back to a supplier through the orders system, stock on hand will be reduced and will not be shown on the shrinkage report
Adjusting Stock on Hand in a stock card will show up on the shrinkage report
Rolling Stocktakes will show on the shrinkage report
In all cases RxOne will record the adjustment to stock. Adjustments made through the Rolling stocktake and changes made to individual stock cards will be reported.