Batch Dispensing

More detailed information can be found in the CompoundPro User guide available from your RxOne home screen.

Compounding Pharmacy Batches

Set up a new patient called Pharmacy Batches in your system. Dispense compounding scripts to this patient as you would normally to a real patient. Use the cost price to ensure that your batches are priced correctly without additional markups added to the pharmacy batch price. Set markup in Pricing Options.

Once you have selected the formulation you want to compound as batch stock, return to the Script screen and select Batch Stock on the Status tab.

Dispense a Script using Pharmacy batches

Follow the usual dispensing steps. Dispense the script using the formulation stock card instead of going to the formulation screen. Formulation stockcards are highlighted green on the drug search screen.

Once you have selected the formulation stockcard, you will see that the batch used will be displayed in the top right-hand corner of the Script screen.

A batch detail screen will show automatically as you dispense in the following scenarios:

  • there is no batch

  • the dispensed quantity exceeds the batch availability

  • multiple batches are available

  • batch is expired

ClickView > View Batch Details to show the Batch Details screen manually

Dispense a Repeat using Pharmacy Batches

Dispense a repeat of a compounding script as per normal. When in the ‘Repeating Script’ screen, you will see the word ‘Mixture’ – this indicates the original script was a Compounding script (A).

To use ready-made Pharmacy batches for this repeat script, select ‘Edit’, ‘Change To Ready Prepared Stock’ (B). This will then change from ‘Mixture’ to ‘Drug’ (C), and the Batch Details screen will prompt for you to select the batch to dispense from (if there are multiple opened pharmacy batches available). You can now also view the formulation stockcard by clicking the ‘Drug Information’ button, or select ‘View’ from the top menu, ‘View Batch Details’ to bring up the ‘Batch Details’ screen (D).