Compounding Utilities
Compounding utilities are the upgrades from the previous compounding utility in terms of performance and better user experience.
These include:
Form Maintenance
Custom Prices
Pricing Options
These utilities can be accessed on the formulation screen under the ‘Tools’ menu on the compounding formulation screen.
If the formulation is already loaded on the screen, the ‘Custom Prices’ will be for that formulation. If there is no formulation loaded on the screen, a search box will appear for you to search the formulation first before showing the custom prices.
It can also be accessed from the main dispense screen under menu ‘Utilities’ as a quoting utility.
Form Maintenance
After clicking on ‘Form Maintenance’ from the menu above, the screen below will show.
To edit the form double click to open the form, make changes and click ‘Save’ when finish.
Custom Prices
After clicking ‘Custom Prices’, the following screen will show.
Click ‘Add’ to add new custom prices with new quantity and corresponding price.
Linking the procedures and SOP to formulations can also be done here.
Pricing Options
After clicking ‘Pricing Options’, a list of pricing options will show.
To edit the pricing option double click into the pricing option and make changes.