Liquid Density

Liquid Density

Stockcard settings for liquid ingredients


There are four ways to mark an ingredient as Liquid in RxOne stockcard.

  • Select Liquid and Active (L + A) – For liquid ingredients that are always used as active.

  • Select Liquid and Base (L + B) – For a liquid ingredients that are always used as base.

  • Select Liquid and Excipient (L + E) – For liquid ingredients that are always used as excipient.

  • Select Liquid (L) only – For liquid ingredients that are sometimes used as base and sometimes used as an excipient depending on which formulation it is in; an example is water.

The decision to act as either base or excipient is dependent on the existence of a base in the same formulation.  For example, water marked as Liquid will act as base when there is no other base on the same formulation, and water will act as excipient when a base ingredient is present.  

 Note:  We recommend you mark the liquid ingredient according to the new rule and do a new template to understand the Liquid behaviour.

 Liquid Density stockcard settings

There is a field called Density for all liquid ingredients.  Leaving the density as blank or zero will be treated as density of 1 by default.  

Enter the liquid density here if the density is different to 1.

Example Glycerin density is 1.26g/cm3, enter 1.26 in the box.


Formulation Screen

QS column

Tick the QS box if you need to use this ingredient to QS to the volume.  Tick ‘Save template’ to save the qs flag with the template.

Density column

Density applies to liquids. Stockcard density is displayed on this column.    

Convert To Weight column

When tick the box ‘Convert To Weight’ the program will display an additional column called ‘Conv Weight (g)’ and display the weight of the liquid. The Converted Weight is a read only field.

Exp Days column

This is the minimum number of days before the ingredient expires to be consider usable for this formulation. For example you may want to set the Glycerin to have at least 30 expiry days, because the Glycerin is considered unstable if it is going to expire within 30 days and is likely to affect the shelf life of the end product when mixed.   

  • Tick ‘Save template’ to save the the minimum expiry days with your template.

  • Current version the expiry days is for display only.

Cost column

This is the material cost for the ingredient for the selected batch.

Save template

This used to be called ‘Save these Ingredients as a Standard Formulation’ on the previous version, this is now renamed and sits on the top of the screen.

Formulation Procedures / Steps

Formulation procedure / steps used to be on the second tab of the screen. This is now displayed on the main screen.

The way to create the steps and link formulations have not changed. It is managed via RxOne Editor by staff manager who has permission to RxOne Editor and is responsible for reviewing / replacing the procedure.

Total weight of active

Total weight of active is the sum of weights for all ingredient marked as Active.

Total weight (inc wastage)

Ideally the total weight should match to the final quantity you are making. Please pay attention to the total weight.

Loading Template

As discussed earlier, if an ingredient is flagged as ‘Liquid’ only and there is no ingredient marked as base on the same formulation, the Liquid will act as Base. This means when loading a previously saved template that had ingredient marked as L but no B, the program will preserve the original weight saved from the template by automatically select ‘Manually enter Base Qty’ on the screen. But at the same time you will get a message on the screen asking you to check the calculation of the base.

 For example a template previously saved has two ingredients making up to a total of 100g, an Excipient with 20g (20%), and a Liquid with 30ml (30%).

When you load the template on the new version, the program will automatically tick ‘Manual Enter Base Qty’ and keep the original weight of the two ingredients. At the same time the program dectects the liquid ingredient should act as base in this situation so you will see the following message on the screen to ask you to check the calculation for the base.

 Glycerin is marked as Liquid (L). Liquid will act as Base when there is no other base.

Please ask pharmacist to check the calculation for Glycerin.

If calculation is wrong, untick ‘Manual Enter Base Qty’, fix the weight and re-save the template.

If calculation is correct, leave the ‘Manually Enter Base Qty’ ticked and re-save the template.

If the ingredient type is not intended to be marked as Liquid only please change the ingredient type in stockcard to either Liquid + Excipient OR Liquid + Active and re-save the template.”


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