Compounding Sign Off Screen
Pharmacists can use the sign-off screen to check off the compounded product.
Highlight the script and press F6 or right mouse click and press ‘Show Sign-Off Screen’ to bring up the screen below.
Note: Only staff members allocated as either ‘Pharmacist’ or ‘Pharmacist Manager’ in the ‘Modify Staff’ utility have permission to sign off scripts.
Click on the ‘Compounding Formulation’ tab to see the detail of the formulation. The left hand panel shows you the script and patient general details.
Tick ‘Hide Prescription Details’ to hide the script detail and expand the formulation details into full screen.
The sign-off screen is read-only; you cannot make changes using the sign-off screen.
Any ingredients or devices without batches will need to be amended by the compounder as without batches allocated the SOH of the item will be affected as will cost calculations and traceability should there be a product recall.
The ‘Compounding Extra Information’ tab shows extra information such as formulation comment, formulation procedure steps, custom prices etc.
Sign-off script
Once the script has been checked and the ‘Sign-off’ script button is pressed, the sign-off screen will close. The staff member who does the sign off will be recorded and their name will be displayed on the screen upon screen refresh.
Reject as error
If pharmacist rejects the sign off, a screen will show asking for a reason, choose from the predefined reasons and additional comment can be added to the reason section, click ‘SAVE’ to close the screen.
Blank Sign Off Screen
Ctrl + F6 ‘Show Blank Sign Off Screen’ is available on the RxOne dispense program under ‘File’ menu. This gives you a blank sign off screen where you can scan various barcodes to search for a script you wish you do the sign off for without the need to locate the script first.