Compounding Ingredient Stock Cards
Creating Stockcards for Compounding Ingredients
Every ingredient and consumable device (e.g. empty capsules, cream pots) needs to have its own stockcard before a formulation can be created.
To create a stockcard follow the steps below:
From RxOne Home Screen, select ‘StockCards’.
Select ‘New’ to create a new stockcard. Answer ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Will this stock item be dispensed as a drug?’. This will ensure the ingredient to be available for formulation creation.
Enter the Product Name.
Enter the generic name (under the Drug Info tab) if applicable.
Set pack size on the ‘Ordering’ tab. If the ingredient comes in variable pack sizes, set pack size as ‘An Outer is 1 pack of 1'
Tick ‘CompoundPro Ingredient’ box in the ‘Options’ tab .A CompoundPro tab will be created for that stockcard.
Click ‘Re-Order’ box in ‘Options’ tab. This means that the item will come up for re-ordering when you use it, or need more of the product.
Enter supplier information by right clicking mouse on the Supplier section and select ‘Add Supplier and Partcode’. Partcodes are codes that some manufacturers use to identify their products.
Set Ingredient Type
For each compounding ingredient stockcard, you need to set the appropriate ingredient ‘type’. From the stockcard ‘CompoundPro’ tab, select the appropriate ingredient type.
Tick this box if this is an active ingredient. The active ingredient is the main ingredient prescribed that is biologically active.
Adjustment factor
This only applies to ingredients that are ticked as ‘Active’, and the box will only become available to type in if ‘Active’ is ticked.
The adjustment factor is used when an active ingredient is not 100% pure. For example, if an ingredient is only 88% concentrated you will then need to enter the ‘adjustment factor’ of 1.1363 (100/88). RxOne will automatically adjust the total weight required for this ingredient in the formulation by multiplying the required weight with the adjustment factor.
If an ingredient is marked as type ‘Base’, when adding the ingredient to the formula, RxOne will automatically assign the remaining % to the base. A base is the vehicle that holds the active ingredients together such as a cream.
Using the formulation 1% Menthol in Aqueous Cream as an example, you have 1% Menthol as the active ingredient in the formulation, as soon as you enter Aqueous Cream (base), RxOne will assign 99% of the final weight required to Aqueous Cream and automatically calculate the weight required for Aqueous Cream. The same applies for other formulations such as capsules and mixtures.
Tick the box if this is an excipient. An excipient is a substance formulated alongside the active ingredient of a medication, and is included for the purpose of long-term stabilisation, enhancing the therapeutic effect, or bulking up solid formulations.
Liquid Ingredients
There are four ways to mark an ingredient as Liquid in RxOne stockcards.
Select Liquid and Active (L + A) – For liquid ingredients that are always used as active.
Select Liquid and Base (L + B) – For liquid ingredients that are always used as base.
Select Liquid and Excipient (L + E) – For liquid ingredients that are always used as excipient.
Select Liquid (L) only – For liquid ingredients that are sometimes used as base and sometimes used as an excipient depending on which formulation it is in e.g. water.
How the system decides if this ingredient is either a base or an excipient depends on the existence of a base in the same formulation. For example, water marked as Liquid will act as base when there is no other base on the same formulation, and water will act as excipient when a base ingredient is present.
Liquid Density
Leaving the density as blank or zero will be treated as density of 1 by default.
Enter the liquid density here if the density is different to 1. e.g. Glycerin density is 1.26g/cm3, enter 1.26 in the box.
Device: This is for consumable devices such as empty capsules, cream jars or bottles. This is not the equipment you use to compound with.
Device Measure: Enter how much your device can hold. For example, for an empty capsule enter 1, for a 50g jar enter 50.
Ingredient Short Code (SC)
Enter the short code on the ‘Drug Info’ tab if needed. The purpose of the short code is to help you easily locate the desired stockcard during dispensing, during stockcard search and when adding ingredients to the formulation template.
The short code can be alphanumeric with up to 10 characters.
Ingredient Packing Statistics
Full Pack Statistics - Full pack statistics are required for all stockcards going into capsules. Select the appropriate capsule size from the ‘Size’ column and enter the measure in mg.
Entering existing ingredient batches into RxOne
If you have existing ingredient batches sitting on the shelf that haven’t been entered into RxOne, you can do so by creating new batches and entering their batch information.
On the ‘CompoundPro’ tab of the ingredient stockcard, select ‘New Batch’ and enter the following details.
Batch Number
This is the manufacturer’s batch number.
Expiry Date
This is the ingredient’s expiry date.
Packaged Date
This is the manufacturing date. Use today as the Package Date if you don’t know the manufacturing date.
Real Cost per Unit
Enter the cost per gram or per ml (not per pack). For example, if a 50g pack of Melatonin powder costs you $90, then you will enter $1.80. ($90/50g)
Cost per unit is critical for RxOne to estimate the cost of your formulation accurately. Using the wrong cost (ie. cost per pack) will affect the Gross Profit of all scripts scanned, lead to negative Gross profit and is non-reversable.
Supplier where the ingredient is ordered from.
Quantity (Units)
This is how much of the product you are putting into stock (in gram or ml- not packs).
Staff Member
The staff member who is creating the batch.
Print Batch Label
The Batch label is designed to be printed after the batch is created. It contains all the information you have entered above, except Packaged Date and Quantity, so you can label the batch container accordingly. The Batch label also contains a unique barcode that is used during the ingredients accuracy check and weighing process.
Formulation Editor
The ‘Formulation Editor’ located under ‘CompoundPro’ > ‘Tools’ menu allows you to edit the formulation details for the formulation currently showing on the screen.
Formulation Details
This is where you can edit formulation name, formulation expiry days, number of containers, mark the formulation as inactive vs. active, sterile/non-sterile etc. Changing the formulation name also update the formulation stockcard name at the same time.
Custom Pricing
Custom pricing is a simpler form of pricing. When Custom pricing is ticked in the formulation screen, the system will use the preset prices for specific final quantities of that formulation (i.e. the pricing isn't calculated from each ingredient in the formulation).
Click ‘Add’ and enter the quantity and its pricing.
This is where you can link procedures to the formulation on the screen. Click ‘Add’ and select the Procedure from the drop down and enter the procedure order.
This is where you can link SOP to the formulation on the screen. Click ‘Add’ and search the SOP to link to the formulation.