Customer Report
You can generate a customer report to bulk message targeted customers. This could be used for a targeted campaign such as Flu Vaccinations.
To find the report:
RxOne Home Screen > Search box > Customer Report
All People - will bring up all customers who meet the other criteria selected
Prompt to Select People on OK - will display a search options screen to search for specific customers
Care Facility
Used to filter for a specific care facility or multiple care facilities.
Special Condition
Filters results by patient conditions.
Person Type
Select customers who are on LTC and other options.
Person Event Audit
Select audit events that may have occurred
Age equal or greater than
Enter an age to filter. This could be used to filter for customers who are eligible for flu vaccines and other targeted campaigns.
Once you have selected your filter options, click
The Report
The report will display a list of all customers who meet the chosen filters. You can sort the details of any column by clicking the column header.
Export Options
Click Export from the report to enter the Export options
Select the Columns to Include
Tick or untick the columns you wish to have included in your report.
Export Entire Report
To Selected File - this will open the Windows Save As window. Select a locations and a file type and give the report a name.
To Email As - select the file type to Email. For example, if you want to use the report in a spreadsheet save it as CSV. If you’re planning to do a mail merge document, you could save as a CSV file.
Export to Other Utilities - to export to the Mailing Labels utility. This allows you to print address labels for customers
Bulk Messaging
Send Text Messages - select this if you want to send text messages to all the customers in the report
Send Emails - select this to bulk email customers
Print Labels - will print labels for all customers in the report
Send Text Messages
If you have a template for the message you would like to send, select it from the Text Message Template drop down selection. Ensure the following are selected:
Communication Consent - Dispensary or Point of Sale
Send Only one message per person
If you are using a new text message, click Create New and type your message.
You can add a field from the right-hand side by clicking on the field. This allows you to put the person’s name, NHI number or any other detail from the list in the message.
Click Add As New to save the template.
You can preview the messages by clicking Preview and Send Text Msg’s or send them direct using Send Selected Text Msg’s without preview