CompoundPro - Dispensing
Dispensing a compounding script
Dispense a new script under a patient’s name (or your pharmacy’s name if you are dispensing a pharmacy batch). Once the focus is on the drug name use Ctrl + Z to bring up the formulation screen.
Search the template by typing the template’s name or its short code. Typing ‘*’ and pressing enter will display all saved templates. Once the template is loaded on the screen, change the final units to the quantity you are compounding.
Check Batch for Each Ingredient
When dispensing a script you need to make sure the right batch is used for each ingredient. To ensure that your batch stock on hand adjusts each time you dispense, you must assign the correct batch to the ingredient. It is very important that you set this up correctly for auditing and legal requirements, allowing you to report accurately on batch usage.
RxOne uses colour indications to display the status of the batch of each ingredient. For example:
Red = All batches are closed for the chosen ingredient.
Blue = the chosen batch has expired.
Pink = no batch exists.
If any ingredients are showing pink on the screen, you must stop and select the correct batch. The system should alert you with an automatic pop- up of the batch details screen, but if you bypass this in error, you can re-assign the batch by going up to ‘View’, then ‘View Batch Details for selected Drug’. See below for more information on how to change batch details.
Batch Detail Screen
A ‘Batch Details’ screen will pop up if an ingredient has either no batch, has multiple batches, the batch is expired or when the stock on hand of the chosen batch is less than the amount you need to make up the final units. This screen will not prompt if the ingredient selected only has one batch and there is no issue with that batch.
From ‘Batch Details’ screen, select ‘Add New Batch’ to add a new batch or select 'Edit Stockcard' to edit the batch information. From this screen, you can alco select the batch to use if there are more than one opened batches. Make sure the value in ‘Quantity To Use’ column matches the weight required to make up the formulation and the batch selected on the ‘Batch Details’ screen is the batch used in compounding.
The colour indication on ‘Batch Details’ screen indicates whether your ‘Quantity To Use’ matches the quantity needed for the formulation.
Red – value in ‘Quantity To Use’ exceeds the weight required.
Green – value in ‘Quantity To Use’ matches the weight required.
Yellow – value in ‘Quantity To Use’ is less than the weight required.
To view the ‘Batch Details’ screen again for each ingredient, select ‘View’ from top Menu, ‘View Batch Details for Selected Drug’ or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + B.
Show an Expired Batch
The option to display the expired batches can be controlled in the CompoundPro Options.
Scan to Check Ingredient Barcodes
CompoundPro has a ‘Check Ingredient Barcodes’ function to help ensure you have selected the right ingredient during compounding process.
Please note: this is the barcode generated by RxOne for each ingredient batch as shown on the Batch label.
If scanning is correct the 'Scanned' box will be checked and coloured green.
If the scanning is incorrect a warning message will display on the screen.
Weighing the Ingredients
Scales Integrated with RxOne (see ‘Scale Integration’)
Focus on the ‘Bal.Weight’ field of the first ingredient; weigh the ingredient on scale and press ‘PRINT’ button on scale to populate the weight on screen. Colour is used to indicate whether the weight is under, good or over the amount required.
If you have selected this option ‘Prompt for Staff ID when weight is outside the range or manual weight’ in RxOne Dispensary Options, a prompt will come up asking for staff ID when the weight is manually typed (instead of coming from the scale).
A prompt will also come up asking for Staff ID when the weight is outside the range.
Scales Not Integrated with RxOne
Focus on the ‘Bal. Weight’ field and type in the weight used for each ingredient on screen. Same colour indicators are used to indicate whether the weight is under, good or over the amount required.
Signing off compounding scripts electronically
RxOne allows compounders and pharmacists to sign off compounding scripts electronically. This will be recorded in the background and trackable through different reports (see CompoundPro Reports section). The staff member’s name will also be printed on the Compounding Worksheet (see Compounding Worksheet section).
Sign scripts electronically as compounded
Once a compounder completes making up the product, he/she can sign off the script by selecting ‘Tools’ on top menu of Formulation screen, click ‘Enter Compounder Staff ID’ or use quick key F3. A prompt will appear asking for staff ID.
Sign scripts electronically as checked
The pharmacist who checks the final product(s) can sign off compounding scripts by right mouse clicking on the script and selecting ‘Show Sign Off Screen’ (F6).
Check the script and formulation details on the screen. Select ‘Hide Prescription Details’ hides the script panel on the left hand side and expands the formulation section.
Any ingredient without a batch allocated needs to be fixed before the sign off. Select ‘Sign Off Script’ or select ‘Reject as error’ and provide a reason. Please note: The Sign off screen is read-only. The script can only be edited from the CompoundPro formulation screen.
Once a compounding script is signed off, it will be showed as ‘Signed Off’ in green on the top left corner of the Formulation screen. No more changes are allowed. If you try to change anything on the Formulation screen, a prompt will come up.