EFTPoS Troubleshooting

EFTPoS Troubleshooting

[Revised Nov 06].

This troubleshooting page will not apply to many using ADSL, VDSL or Fibre Internet Connections.

EftPoS Control Panel

The EftPoS control panel can be accessed from the main the sales screen from the View menu option. The EftPoS control panel will seldom need to be accessed and one should not alter any settings here as this may result in disabling the preferred options selected during installation by the EftPoS technician. The panel will be most useful as a tool if talking to the EftPoS support desk to assist with problem resolution. It is here, for instance, that a manual log-on may be initiated to assist EftPoS establish the nature of a problem.  Also the ability to perform manual pan credit card transactions is enabled / disabled here. This option is necessary where a credit a card numbers may be provide by a customer over the telephone or to process a transaction where the magnetic strip of the customer card is faulty and therefore rejected by EftPoS). Should a receipt be unreadable, a duplicate receipt can be printed from here. EftPoS inquiries and settles can also be performed from here.

 On first entering the EftPoS control panel, not all functions will be displayed. Click on the advanced button at the bottom of the control panel and then type the code 7410. The client tab will now be displayed providing you with full access to all features of the control panel.


The modem lights should flicker on boot-up, indicating that the modem has been identified by Windows. The red power light (modem left front) should remain on. If there is no red power light, check the power to the modem is on and it is securely plugged in. If the modem lights do not flicker:

  • there may be a fault with the port to which the modem is connected;

  • the connection to the port may have come loose or the modem is faulty;

  • the modem is faulty;

  • the incorrect driver has been install for the modem (should be CTL 1290 V34 33.6); or

  • the modem is not connected to the physical port as indicated in properties for that modem

 If this is the same modem through which your modem ordering is being done and there is no problem with the function of this aspect of the program then it is likely that the problem is does not related to points i or ii, above. If your modem ordering is functioning but EftPoS is not, call the EftPoS help line to resolve your problem.

 The keypad , too, should beep and the LED screen remain on (the EftPoS supplier's name should be visible). If there is no visible LED, check the power to the keypad is on and that it is securely plugged in. The C icon (for EftPoS client) in the icon tray at the bottom right of your screen will be colored red if there is a fault. This is green if the keypad is functioning correctly. Reasons for the keypad not being identified may be:

  • the port to which it is fitted on the computer, is faulty

  • the key pad is faulty,

  • the connection from the computer to the keypad is faulty,

  • as a result of a power loss or spike, the EftPoS software loaded into the keypad, has been corrupted.

In all cases, contact EftPoS supplier's help desk rather than RxOne


You are not able to perform manual pan transactions

  • You have not switched on the manual pan facility in the EftPoS control panel or

  • You have not arranged with the EftPoS Supplier to be able to process this kind of process.

 Diners and Amex cards will not process

These cards require a specific setup process with the EftPoS Supplier. Contact them to arrange processing of these cards.

 Debit cards are processed and not Credit cards (or vice versa)

Debit and credit cards are processed by different companies. The EftPoS switching station acts as a relay and routes the electronic data transfer to the appropriate party. If there is a fault in the data being relayed to the processing target, card processing by this party will not be possible. Contact EftPoS Supplier's help desk to advise them of your problem.

 Errors reported when performing transactions


Comms Error

RxOne has released control to EftPoS but EftPoS is not able to communicate through their software and hardware components. Call EftPoS Supplier's Help desk to establish the cause. An interim solution may be to switch to non-integrated EftPoS mode to continue with sales (see below)

No dial-tone Error:

i. The phone line is down. Test the phone line by plugging a telephone into the telephone jack-point. It this works, the problem lies with the connection to the modem.

ii. The line running to the modem from the telecom connection is disconnected / damaged. Check the lead and connections.

iii. If the diagnostic test of the modem (Windows Start-Settings-Control Panel-Modem) for the EftPoS modem shows the modem to be functioning correctly, then the EftPoS component may not be pointing to the port to which the modem is physically attached. Check the setting is the same in the EftPoS Control panel (Advanced-7410-Client Tab).

Failed logon Error:

 The first transaction for each day automatically performs the EftPoS logon

Procedure as required by EftPoS. Logon can also be performed manually from the EftPoS panel. EftPoS panel is access from the main sales screen. View-EftPoS Panel. 

I. The telecommunication connections (modem-telephone wall point-telecom-EftPoS switch). Investigate the local connection via points i and ii above.

ii. A fault may lie with the EftPoS software or hardware (keypad). Contact the EftPoS Supplier's help desk.

Time out error:

i. The customer took too (more than 30 seconds) long to key in their PIN number. Attempt to process the tendered sale a little faster.

ii. A slow dial up connection may occur as a result of problems at the Eftpos switching station. Contact the Eftpos Supplier's help desk. 

Client Off-Line error:

If the telephone line, modem and keypad are correctly connected but when one enters into the pharmacy program sales screen, one receives the message Client off line. There could be:

i. a problem with the communication between RxOne and Eftpos software loaded on the computer or in the Pin Pad.

ii. the Eftpos Client component (and possible also the server component) may have been inadvertently switched off Windows may have lost the settings.

Try rebooting the computer. If this fails, call Eftpos to ascertain that the Eftpos component is functioning correctly.

Off-Line Error:

The Eftpos server component has been switched off. Reboot to switch this back on. If this fails, contact the Eftpos Supplier's help desk to ascertain the problem.

Not Integrated Error:

Eftpos has been set to non-integrated mode in the Eftpos control panel - which is incorrect. Confirm this by navigating to the Eftpos control panel (Advanced-Client Tab). Ensure that Integrated is ticked. If not, do so then select Apply, OK. The computer will need to be rebooted for this to take effect.

Printer Error:

This results if Eftpos is attempting to process a credit card transaction and there is a fault with the printer (hardware, setup, connection, is not switched on).

i. Check that the printer is switched on and all the connections are secure.

ii. Try and print a cash sale receipt. If this succeeds then the problem is more than likely that the Eftpos control panel is not pointing to the correct printer.


Cadmus 'Keylink' problem

If the Cadmus terminal is still not receiving the information check that keylink is enabled.

On the AC4500

Select Blue Menu Button

Select 5 for service menu

Select 7 to access keylink mode

Use Yes or No buttons to enable or disable

On the Mini Me

Select Menu Button

Select 5 for service menu

Select 6 to access keylink mode

Use Yes or No buttons to enable or disable


EFTPOS NZ not working

If Windows XP service pack 2 has been run, the firewall may have been turned on. As EFTPOS NZ requires an IP address, turn off the firewall.




 DPS Cheque Authorisation And Intergrated Eftpos

To Enable Cheque Authorisation on DPS

1.Edit C:\Program Files\DPS\Eftpos\pxpp_cfg.txt

    Ensure the entry enableCheque is set to 1

    Save and restart dps

2.Ring Certigy and ask them to ensure that Cheque authorisation is switched on


Switching from Toniq to RxOne DPS problems

Check C:\Program Files\DPS\Eftpos\pxpp_cfg.txt and ensure at all times the enableaccepteddisplaytimer entry = 1

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