Updating Prices

Updating Prices

From time to time you will find you need to adjust prices based on increased costs. You can change prices through individual stock cards, bulk stock edit, orders or the supplier price file. You should only change prices using these methods if it is a long term price change. If you are lowering prices for short term sales, or seasonal promotions then you are better off to use the Specials Module.

Price Factors

There are a number of ways to update retail and cost prices in RxOne. The factors involved in pricing are as follows:

  • List Cost - this is the cost price given to RxOne by suppliers. It refers to the standard price, excluding GST, that the supplier charges for a stock unit. By default RxOne bases the retail price on the supplier list cost.

  • Real Cost- this is the last cost price paid by the pharmacy and is updated when an order is received in. This cost takes into account any discounts that may have been received.

  • Retail - the price including GST that the pharmacy charges for an item

  • Markup % - the percentage markup applied to a unit based on the List cost price.

  • Real Cost Markup % - the percentage markup applied to a unit based on the Real Cost

  • Real Cost GP% - this is the gross profit percentage on an item

  • Psychological Pricing - a feature in RxOne that adjusts retail prices based on rounding rules. See Psychological Pricing for more information

Changing Prices - Individual Stock Cards

The right hand side of the stock card shows pricing information. The List Cost is the based on the latest cost provided by the supplier and real cost is taken from the cost on the last order received. We recommend that you do not change these, as they reflect the actual situation.

To change the price on the stock card you can alter the Real Cost, List Cost markup or the Retail Price.

Changing Prices - Bulk Stock Edit

Bulk Stock Edit allows you to edit the prices of a group of items based on filters you choose. For more details on accessing the Bulk Stock Edit Screen go to Bulk Stock Edit Utility

In the Bulk Stock Edit utility, select the items you wish to change and select the Price Options tab.

In this screen you can alter prices by adjusting the Markup, Real Cost Markup. You can also change just the cents value of the retail price by using *.95 and this will leave the dollar value and change just the cents.

When you change prices, RxOne will automatically print price stickers for affected items or add them to the print queue for shelf labels.

Changing Prices - Orders

For information on generating and receiving orders see (insert link for orders).

You can adjust retail prices when receiving an order. In the Invoices tab select the order you are receiving in. Make sure that all the Real Costs match the cost on the paper invoice received from the supplier. In the top menu, click Price Update Settings and make sure that Save Retail to Stock Card if Changed is ticked.

You can choose to adjust the price using List Cost Markup (MU), Real Cost Markup (RC MU) or the Retail Price.

To change the value in a box, click on it and type the new value. If you are changing the Markup percentage you will notice that the retail will adjust accordingly.

When you deliver the item in, the new retail price will be saved to the stock card.

Changing Prices - Supplier File

Information about Supplier Price Files go to Supplier Price File Update

When updating price lists in the Supplier Update utility you will be given the option to update prices while Accepting Changes.

  • Double click the supplier you wish to change

  • In the POS Supplier Price Update, make sure the following options are ticked:

    • Update List Cost and Retail - to update the retail based on the current list cost markup percentage

    • Set a percentage markup for any NEW items

  • Click OK

In Changed Items select the items you wish to change, or Accept All to change all items. RxOne will update changes based on your selection.



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