Patient Allergies
There are two types of allergy warning;
For drug product groups known to RxOne, eg 'Aspirin' where the computer knows the drugs that contain aspirin and so can check scripts and warn during dispensing.
Those where it does not have the product group defined, which can be warned against by use of a Patient Comment . This can be made to flash up when the patient is accessed.
To add an allergy where the group is defined in computer
From the Edit menu, select 'Add Allergy'.
A list of the known drug types will be displayed to choose from. The allergies will be displayed in the box on the Patients Dispensary 'status' panel.
To remove an allergy
Highlight the unwanted allergy the Patients Dispensary 'status' panel, then
From the Edit menu, select 'Remove Allergy'
To edit an allergy
Delete it then insert in the correct form.
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