Patient Comments
Each patient may have permanent comments. A patient comment is different to a script comment, which attaches to the prescription item.
Patient Comments
There is a page of space on the patient information screen for comments. The pharmacist can record details advice given, intervention in treatment, savings in medicine usage, prescriber errors intercepted etc. See also 'Intervention' to record and report interventions.
To Add, Edit, or Remove a patient comment
Bring up the patient information screen and use <tab> or a mouse click to get into the comments box. Although this appears to be just one line, it will scroll to accept a full page of comments. Patient comments can be added, edited or removed as required.
To copy a patient comment
Patient comments can be copied to a word processor or other document by using windows Copy and Paste.
Display options for patient comments
Some pharmacists like to have the comments shown in full every time a patient is looked up, others like to see it only when they ask.
Full patient comment on lookup shows the whole patient comment page on lookup for all patients automatically. See also 'one-off' automatic display below.
Short display shows only the first line below the patient name on lookup. <Tab> or click on the comment line to bring up the full display when required.
To change the default display option,
Patient Information Screen > Options > RxOne Options
Show patient comment on lookup will be ticked if 'on'. If not ticked, the short display is shown. Cursor down to the line and press <enter> to toggle on/off.
One-off auto automatic display of patient comments.
If a patient comment contains an exclamation mark '!', then on bringing up the patient the comment will be displayed prominently and will wait for acknowledgement. This will occur for the particular patient even if the default is set to 'short display'.
Second Level Patient Comments
The backslash denotes 'second level' comments and is used to force staff members to read the comments before going on. It brings up a prompt for Staff to enter their ID to acknowledge they have read the message. . Use both \ and ! in the message or, use a backslash \ in the message and have the option, 'Show Patient comment' ticked.
The exclamation mark (!) will still bring up the Patient Comments if 'Show Patient' is unticked.