Patient Drug History (Drug Utilisation Review)
A patient's history can be viewed in any one of five different ways, as convenient for Drug Utilisation Review (DUR).
Bring up the patient's history as for dispensing a script. This is sorted by date dispensed (most recent at the top) which is convenient for most purposes.
To view for DUR
Select any item from history, and right click on the mouse. A set of choices opens up, select 'Sort', and observe that the history can be sorted many ways, including:
Sort by Script number This puts originals and repeats together, so you can review the repeat collection frequency and consistency as a guide to compliance.
Sort by Trade Name Puts all dispensing's of a particular brand and strength together, for all drugs over the whole history, showing the date and instructions. It can be scrolled through as you review the total history of the particular medication for the patient.
Sort by Generic Name. Puts all dispensing's of the drug together, regardless of the brand used. Shows date and instructions, and can be scrolled through over the whole history of this patient for all drugs so you have the total medication history presented in a way that makes for a quick and easy DUR.
Sort by Repeats left. A concise way to see what repeats are left, no matter where they appear in the history.