Printing Scripts from Basket
RxOne can automatically print scripts from the basket to your script printer. To set this up:
Step 1
In the RxOne Home Screen click Additional Options → System Info → Show Options
Select the Store Rego tab
On the right hand side, select your Primary Dispensary Computer. This can be any of your computers that is connected to the printer that prints your prescriptions. This computer needs to be open for eScripts to print, and the RxOne Home Screen and Dispensary needs to be running.
Step 2
On the computer that you have selected as the Primary Dispensary Computer, open Printer Setup from the Home Screen (if you cant see the icon then search for Printer Setup in the search box)
Select eScripts and select a printer from Printer Settings for eScripts dropdown menu
Step 3
Close Dispensary on the Primary Dispensary Computer and then re-open it. New scripts that arrive in the basket should now automatically print.