HIE Status / LTC Registrations

[adapted from RxOne Help - updated 16 Nov 2015]

Install the HIE Adaptor/Digital Certificate on the Master Computer. To update this information on the slave computers, exit RxOne then start it back up again and the certificate information will have updated.

On the top part of the main dispensary screen, the HIE status (Communication status with the LTC Rego and eScript Portal) will display as a Green Banner (Red if there is a problem) and beside that is a question mark (?).  Click on the question mark if the banner is RED.

If you see any of the below (red banner status), please send an email to support@healthsoft.co.nz or fax to 09 373-4333  with a note of the message so that we can attend to it for you in due time.

  • LTC Rego/eScripts: Switched Off

  • LTC Rego/eScripts: Network Offline

  • LTC Rego/eScripts: Offline, Message Stored

If you see the status displaying:

“LTC Rego/eScripts: Working, Stored Message” in orange

Then please wait overnight. It should change to “LTC Rego/eScripts: Working” in green.

Trouble shooting:

  • If the LTC Rego/eScripts status says “Switched Off”. It needs to be fixed immediately as backup system is not working.

  • If  the LTC Rego/scripts says “Offline, Message Stored”. The backup system is working but it needs to be fixed soon.  

(If the HIE is offline, any new or modified LTC registrations  will be held in the ‘Store & Forward’ system and sent through to the Community Pharmacy Portal automatically when the HIE comes online)

If the LTC Rego/script says “Network offline”. This means it can’t connect to the master.

HIE Diagnostics

As above click on the question mark next to the HIE (LTC Rego/eScripts) status , it will take you straight to the HIE connection analysis / diagnostic page. Each ‘function panel’ will display in colour the status of the  test.

  • Green means tested ok

  • Yellow indicates not tested yet

  • Blue means testing is in progress

  • Red means tested and a problem

Please follow the suggested solutions.