LTC Assessment Reporting

[Revised October 2019]

LTC Assessments are automatically reported via Whanau Tahi's EAR (Eligibility and Registration) Portal.

LTC data from your system is automatically sent from RxOne to the Community Pharmacy Portal (EAR) (Eligibility and Registration) system. It is then sent on to MoH Sector Services for payment at the end of each month. The payments are reported under the LTC Payment Summary in the portal. This is a report for a past specified period.

The data you can see in the portal under LTC registration is more up to date than Sector Services can see.

Although unsuccessful LTC registrations can be seen under payment summary, the data on this page is not current. You must check for any unsuccessful LTC registrations under LTC Registrations, Unsuccessful Registrations’* and deal with them.

Refer to LTC Verification Report, an RxOne report to make checking your unsuccessful registrations easier.

Any new assessments are sent through in real time as soon as you select Save & Record on an LTC assessment. The Community Pharmacy Portal (EAR) will always have the latest information in real time and be more up to date than the data held by MoH.

If any of the following information is changed then the data is sent through to the portal again:

  • LTC Start date

  • LTC End date

  • NHI Number

  • LTC flag

Even if LTC is not ticked the MoH receives all assessments done so they can measure how many ineligible patients were assessed, especially those who were close to the 20 points. When you reassess that patient the data will be resent, so the Community Pharmacy Portal (EAR) will always have the latest assessment.  

Confirmation will come back from the MoH to say they have received the information and notify any unsuccessful registrations. If a person has already been registered with another pharmacy, the portal will record that as a 'Duplicate' and the pharmacist will need to contact the first pharmacy to de-register the patient on their site.

Contact for any help with duplicate registrations or any other queries around payments for LTC patients.

 If for any reason you need to resend the LTC information to the EAR Portal, go to the Patient screen, then to the 'LTC Manager' menu, 'Resend LTC Info to Community Pharmacy Portal (EAR).

How do I access the EAR portal?


You will have received an email with a link to the CPP to be able to see the Community Pharmacy Portal (EAR) system. You can add this to your 'favorites' in your web browser. Or, to make this link available in Dispensary, please do the following:

  • Open RxOne on your email machine and select Tools, Utilities, Other Utilities, RxOne Editor. The screen to the right will appear:

  • Scroll down and select URLS, then click on OK. The following list will appear:

  • Click on New and under URLS enter in ‘Community Pharmacy Portal (EAR)’. Then copy the link from the email to the column labelled ‘URLS’. Click on OK to save.

  • Exit out of Dispensary. When you check your other computers under links, you will see the link to your Community Pharmacy Portal.

(You can also use these instructions to add links to any other website you would like to access.)

Note - Links in Dispensary

[added Dec 2014]

There is an updated edition of the DHB Guide to the LTC Service.  See under "Links" on the menu in DISP to get to the CentralTas website. Search for Guide LTC Service.

MoH contacts pharmacies regarding the Registration System and LTC-EC / PHAMS Application Approval System, and advise how they get access to these systems.


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