Service Fee Payments
[May 2015]
This displays the details of the extra service fees paid outside of the claim.
These fees include the
foil fees which are paid by the patient and not claimable.
the estimated LTC Monthly Service Fee and Case Mix Fees (Initial and repeat SF for Core and LTC) which are not paid via the claim channel.
The status will say ‘not claimed’ or ‘not claimable’ and if a script or group of scripts has been deleted or credited then the status of the fee will say the same.
If you double click on the line, you will see more details e.g., the script numbers the fee is attached to.
Initial and Repeat Service Fees are based on the CPSA contract’s RVUs (Relative value units) i.e., the dollar value changes with the number of initial or repeats scripts for a patient per day. E.g. If a patient had 2 initial scripts for the day, it would show the number of scripts used for the calculation under quantity and then displays the total estimated fee amount for the day.