Bulk Copying Scripts

The bulk copy facility can greatly reduce the regular work of dispensing for patients in institutions. This can be used for foils and non-foil scripts.

It can have any number of groups, with each group having any number of patients and each patient can have any number of scripts. All or part of the scripts for these groups can be copied and repeats dispensed in bulk.

This function Bulk Dispenses repeats and/or copies new scripts depending on the repeat status on each script. If an item has no repeats left, a new phone script with a new script number will be generated and a phone script printed (if phone script is switched on to print immediately).

All foils, signing sheets etc can be printed from this function.  If set to print immediately, they will print immediately after each patient’s scripts have been repeated/copied. Otherwise, you can go back in later and do a bulk print.

  To create a new Group in the Bulk Copy Utility

  • From the main dispensing menu, select Bulk Copy

  • Then select New and type in the name you wish to call the group, e.g." Happy Days Rest Home" or “Monday Community Patients”

  • Select 'Add', type in the name of the first patient you wish to add into the group. The patient will be added to the group, and their history will be displayed on the screen below.

  • Highlight any of the items you wish to copy then select ‘Add’. The item will appear under Scripts to copy on the RHS. (Check the scripts for the patient are in the same group (i.e. the same colour). If they are not, you can regroup them by right mouse clicking on the scripts and select group selected scripts)

  • Repeat this process for all the patients in the rest home.

  • The group is now created. Before going any further, confirm this by clicking save without copy, which will save the details and exit the Bulk Copy function.

  • Go back into the Bulk Copy function, and confirm that all the details you have added in are correct.

To add more patients to an existing group.

  • From the main menu, select Bulk Copy

  • Select the group required.

  • Select Add patient and select the patient you wish to add to the group.

  • Highlight the scripts you wish to add and then press Add. (Highlight the latest scripts. If not in a row, hold Ctrl key down and click with mouse to select the items).

 Once finished, select either Copy or Save without Copy as required.

  To Dispense scripts off Bulk Copy (Copy All or Copy Selected)

  • Select the name of the group.

  • 'Copy All' will process ALL scripts listed on the RHS. Each script will be displayed on the screen, and you can change or amend any of the details if you wish, before you finish the script.

  • ‘Copy Selected’ is used to dispense only the highlighted items listed on the RHS.

   A warning will show if bulk copying a script that has already been done on the same day.

To delete scripts or patients off the list

If there are patients you don't want copied in this run, Highlight them and click the remove button.

To delete scripts from this batch,

Highlight the scripts (on RHS of screen) you wish to remove, and select Remove.

OR when checking through the scripts one by one, select Cancel rather than Finish.

To add Extra scripts to an existing group.

Bring up the group, highlight the patient, then select the new items, and press Add.

If you are processing a foil and you want the additional items to be grouped in same group as the other medications for that patient you can either: a) first regroup them in the patient history screen before going into bulk copy to add to bulk copy utility or b) regroup them on the right-hand side of the bulk copy screen. 

 Another way of adding a new patient or new scripts to bulk copy

 Scripts will automatically appear in the list on the right hand side of the Bulk Copy screen if they have been marked as ‘Continuous Medication’ in the patient’s history and the patient has been assigned to the rest home.

 To do this, go to main dispensary screen, search for patient, go to personal information tab, assign the rest home to patient, then go to patient history and highlight the scripts you want to add to bulk copy, right click on it and then under continuous medication click on ‘Yes’.   

This means if you have a new patient or new scripts for an existing patient, after dispensing the scripts in the main dispensary screen, you can just mark it as continuous medication and it will automatically be added to bulk copy without you having to go into bulk copy.

To Regroup Selected Scripts

Highlight the items to regroup, then Right Mouse click and select 'Group scripts'. A warning will come up if bulk copying a script that has already been done on the same day. Deleting a dispensing will automatically remove that script from the bulk copy utility.

Doctor's Name

The doctor's name for each script will show on the right hand panel if screen resolution allows it.

Bulk Copy without Previewing Scripts

There is an option to switch off ‘previewing the scripts’ when bulk copying. To do this, go to Bulk Copy, Select Edit and then tick the Option "Don't Preview Scripts when Copying". When this is on, Dispensary will only display the script when it is a variable repeat, there is insufficient stock on hand for that script or there is an error with that script.

Change dispense date

This option can be used when you want to change the dispensing date. Click on the button and change the date as required before bulk copying.

Printing with only one printer

If only one printer is available, select foils, signing sheets etc and print one group at a time.  

Make sure the correct paper is in the printer.

Charging to account

On the Dispensary main screen, highlight the total list, right click and charge to account.

Best Method for a Rest Home

  1. Go into Bulk Copy

  2. Select the Rest home/ Ward

  3. Remove any patients no longer in the Rest home

  4. Remove any scripts no longer ‘continuous supply’

  5. Copy all scripts

  6. Go back into main dispensary and dispense any new scripts for existing patients and mark as ‘continuous supply’ as they are being dispensed. Regroup the scripts now (or regroup later in bulk copy).

  7. Dispense any new scripts for New Patients from the main dispensary screen and add the Rest home in ‘Patient information’ and also mark the scripts as ‘continuous medication.

  8. Go into Bulk Copy

  9. Select scripts to be grouped together, if you haven’t already regroup the additional medications to the existing patients.  (Right click and select ‘group selected scripts’)

10. Click on ‘bulk print foils’, select the rest home again and then select print foils.