Long Term Condition Report

Long Term Condition Report

RxOne has an assessment tool to identify those patients who may be  non-compliant or have certain conditions that require greater monitoring. The tool a screening tool that can take into account therapeutic groups containing medicines considered to be high risk and assess non-compliance. A pharmacist will need to make final decisions based on the report.

RxOne Patient Care incorporates the LTC Manager to help you efficiently manage your LTC services. As part of the RxOne Patient Care package, there is a diary scheduler and electronic communication.

Ensure your dispensary staff are familiar with all the documentation relating to the LTC service.

To access the report:


  • Dispensary screen > PatientCare > LTC Manager > LTC Compliance Report or

  • RxOne Start Menu > Reports > Statistics Reports > LTC Manager.

This report will provide you with a list of patients and their compliance score. It is designed to be used as a guide.


Report By An Individual Patient

  • Go to the LTC Compliance Report either via the dispensary screens or main menu

  • Enter the person’s name into the ‘Person’ box

  • Click on OK to run the report


LTC Report By Groups of Patients

  • Leave the person name box blank.  

  • The default criteria will show patients with scripts dispensed the previous month with a LTC Drug.

  • You can change the date range to either shorten or increase the range. Note the report will take longer to load with longer date ranges

  • Click on OK to run the report. It may take a while (approx 5-15 minutes). You may use the computer for other purposes while this is running. Just click back on the LTC compliance Report icon on the task bar when you are ready.


  • The report will show a list of patients and their estimated percentage compliance.

  • You can sort the report by the number of meds or compliance percentage by clicking on the grey header at the top of the column, as you can do on most RxOne reports.

  • The ‘Med Count’ and ‘Foil Count’ are the number of LTC medications only. They do not include the other non-LTC meds.  

  • ‘Show Compliance Chart’ will show all the dispensed scripts in a graphical format.

  • ‘View Non-Compliant Scripts’ will show you details of the non-compliant LTC meds, the date of dispensing of these scripts and the date we estimated they should have been dispensed i.e. previous dispensed date, when it should be dispensed and when the next script was actually dispensed.

On the top of this report, it also shows you the number of non-compliant scripts over the total scripts dispensed to the patient. (That is how we arrive at the % compliance figure).  

  • Once you have identified potential patients (e.g. Patients with less than 80% compliance), click on ‘View LTC Assessment’ to start an assessment for the patient. 

LTC Assessment Form – Associated Condition

RxOne will auto-populate the LTC field if there is a definite Long Term Condition associated with the therapeutic group. E.g. Oral Hypoglycaemic Agents is linked to the LTC of Diabetes, Beclomethasone to Asthma or COPD etc.

Check the conditions that have been automatically populated.  Also you will need to manually add other LTC if required.

The auto-populated LTC is displayed in orange colour the first time it auto-populates. To accept these, select “Update the LTC conditions on the patient record”. Next time when you go back into the assessment form they will be in black colour.

If you don’t want to accept these auto-populated conditions, then highlight the one you don’t want and then select ‘Delete LTC Condition’

The last assessment date and LTC Score (from the last saved assessment form) are displayed on the patient screen.

A red alert message will appear in the Patient Information screen on patients that have LTC ticked but have no record of an assessment score or assessment form.

Clear LTC Dates

Under LTC Manager, there is a ‘Clear LTC Dates’ button. This removes the LTC Start and End dates from the patient information so no scripts will priced as LTC for that patient.  Only used this if you have ticked LTC by mistake.    

Electronic LTC Registration Form

This is a shorter version of the DHB printed form with just the compulsory fields. You will find this on the RHS of the Assessment Tool for a patient. In a later version of dispensary, we will add it to the top menu bar.  

This is a shorter version of the DHB printed form with just the compulsory fields. You will find this on the RHS of the Assessment Tool for a patient (see above). In a later Dispensary version, we will add it to the top menu bar.

The fields will be automatically populated from the patient’s Dispensary and Personal Information.

To ensure any new information displays on the LTC Registration Form, please enter that data into the patient’s Dispensary or Personal Information.

The full LTC Registration form, including the "overleaf" information, can be printed from the RxOne Start Menu, Help & PDF Files, Dispensary, LTC Registration Form.

 LTC Summary Report/Last Contact Report /Consent Required Report/Non-eligible Review Report/Incorrect Date Report

From the main Dispensary screen, go to the PatientCare menu, LTC Manager, LTC Reports. Choose the report and criteria you require. You can sort the columns by clicking on the column header.

[Revised Jan 2014]

Note - There is a new selection format for many of the RxOne reports (Selected Conditions).

To set filters for the reports, you can highlight ‘Selected xxxxx‘ and click on the drop box and select the item you want to report and click on ‘Add Selected Item’.

You can set the fields you want to print for each report. Set the fields by unticking or ticking the options. You can also set the default of how you want this report to print by clicking on the ‘Save Options as Default for This Report’

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